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88% of school leaders said no bubbles were closed at their school during the first week of full reopening

Mar 19th 2021
Press Releases
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Friday 19th March 2021: In a Facebook poll conducted by the Key, 88% of primary school leaders reported they didn't have to close any bubbles during the first week of full school reopening. 11% reported closing 1-2 bubbles and just 1% reported closing 3-4 bubbles.

Caroline Doherty, Head of Education Strategy at The Key said:

“Bubble closures cause a great deal of stress for pupils, parents and school staff alike, so it’s really encouraging to see the low instances of this in primary schools last week. It’s important to recognise that the safe reopening of schools to all pupils would not have been possible without the tireless work and dedication of school leaders.  

However, as mass Covid-19 testing in school communities continues and school leaders work hard to manage the ongoing complexities that brings - we wouldn't be surprised to see some fluctuation in bubble closures in the coming weeks."


Notes to Editors: 

For more information contact:

Georgie Brown, Communications Officer  

[email protected] / 0208 106 5437

About our poll

676 respondents in our ‘Primary School Leaders’ Facebook group answered the question: How many of your bubbles have you had to close this week (week commencing 8th March)?

The poll ran from Thursday 11th March 2021 to Monday 15th March 2021, in our ‘Primary School Leaders’ private Facebook group. This group is made up of 33,766 members and includes primary school leaders from every level - from headteachers to subject leaders. 

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