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GDPR, assemblies and robust curriculum: updates from our Facebook Groups

Sep 17th 2018
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Popular discussion topics this week:

GDPR! A topic that we have all heard a million times, but this week a member of Primary School Leaders has asked about how we talk to children about it. Something that, admittedly, amongst all the compliance and setup, I hadn’t even thought about but something that is naturally important. As we make sure that all our children are always fully aware of the issues and actions occurring around them, we should too ensure they are aware of the GDPR. After all, it is all around them, and in schools they are the primary focus.

We can do this in many ways - from assemblies to a complete series of lessons. Some members have even suggested introducing a noticeboard next to the office, which would help to inform parents as well as the children.

Do you know of other ways to let students know? You can share your ideas in the comments of this blog and we’ll post them onto the Facebook group.

Primary School Leaders community insights: trending in the last week …

 GDPR - Resources for children. "How can we make our children aware of this important legislation?" [Primary School Leaders – Facebook]

Need help with this too? Download our free GDPR Resource pack...

GDPR Resource Pack - 1-minute briefing, GDPR mythbuster & Checklist for seeking consent [Free]

Also popular this week:

School assemblies - guidance and suggestions:

Following the return to schools and the end of the holidays, group members have completed all of their safeguarding updates updated their policies; however a new discussion point has appeared - assemblies. What are people doing? How do we make it more engaging? How do we ensure collective worship is present?

As ever, please leave any thoughts in the comments below and have a great week!

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