Governance can be difficult, time-consuming and confusing at the best of times. GovernorHub’s brilliance has been to create the perfect platform for two vital audiences: an intuitive board management system for governors and clerks, and a powerful tool for local governor services teams to support their governors.
Over the last eight years, the GovernorHub team have developed a platform that provides all the benefits of modern collaboration tools, with very significant advantages over paper-based systems and other collaboration platforms:
- GovernorHub directly supports governor specific tasks: tracking declarations of interests, training registers, governor terms and committee membership.
- GovernorHub specifically helps clerks be more effective and productive.
- GovernorHub allows Local Authorities and trusts governance teams to communicate effectively with governors and promote best practice and training.
- GovernorHub provides flexibility to trusts that are redefining the schemes of delegation with local boards and central trustee boards.
As someone who has worked in software and used digital collaboration tools for over 20 years, I can say the design, user experience and engineering of GovernorHub is as good as I have seen.
Going forward, we will make sure that governing boards who enjoy GovernorHub as it is, continue to enjoy the sector-leading support they have had from the team up until now. GovernorHub, as it stands, will continue to be available as it is currently.
At the same time, we will be working together to develop an improved experience that brings more of the know-how and procedural support you would expect from The Key, into GovernorHub. As a Governor myself, and a user of both tools, it is very clear that together, we can deliver even better support for governors across the country.
The scale and variety of roles that schools play in supporting children and families in our communities has never been clearer. Good governance understands and supports leaders as they rise to these challenges on an ongoing basis.
After several months of discussions, we are thrilled to welcome Neil, James and team to the Key. Good governance matters, and we are confident that in this case, 2+2=5*.
Chris Kenyon
CEO, The Key
* With apologies to the mathematicians out there.
If you have any questions for our team, or would like more information, please get in touch or take a look at our FAQs.