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Hello? Is it a policy you're looking for?

Oct 20th 2015
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What do school leaders and governors need to know? Safeguarding, the pupil premium and interview questions were among the most popular search terms on The Key's websites last year, according to our data – and content-wise, our members can't seem to get enough of policies. The Key's insights manager Nathan Easey looks at our most popular search terms from 2014/15.

We've created visual representations of the most popular search terms on The Key for School Leaders and The Key for School Governors from the last academic year. The word clouds below show the top 100 terms; lettering size corresponds to the frequency with which the term was searched for.

Among school leaders using The Key, 'interview questions' has now become the most searched-for term. The Key for School Leaders has articles with suggested interview questions for more than 70 roles across senior leadership, teachers and support staff.

One point worth noting is that search terms containing the word 'policy' account for one in 10 of all school leaders' search terms, and one in four of the top 100 search terms. Luckily, The Key for School Leaders' policy bank contains more than 250 articles, with links to examples of policies from schools and other organisations.

For governors, 'pupil premium' has remained the most popular search term for the third year running. Our articles on inspection of pupil premium spending and eligible pupils have proved particularly useful.

There were fewer searches for 'SEN', perhaps because governors are now more familiar with the 2014 Code of Practice. However, searches for 'safeguarding' increased. This may be due to the updates to statutory guidance that were released during the year. Our QuickRead on governors' safeguarding responsibilities clarifies schools' duties to safeguard children in just one page.

What school leader and governor data would you like to see visualised next? Let me know @TheKeyNathan

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