What does the new framework say?
- Teachers [should] present subject matter clearly, promoting appropriate discussion about the subject matter they are teaching. They check learners’ understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear, direct feedback. In doing so, they respond and adapt their teaching as necessary, without unnecessarily elaborate or differentiated approaches
- Over the course of study, teaching is designed to help learners to remember in the long term the content they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts
Ofsted - Page 9
What are other schools doing?
Three Bridges Primary School
This school has just received a grading of ‘outstanding in all areas’ and has taken strides to deliver a feedback policy that not only gives pupils the best possible outcomes but also reduces teacher workload considerably. Written feedback is only used when the teacher decides that it is the most effective in the circumstances - it is the least used method of feedback.
Have a look at their policy here.
Burford Primary and Nursery School
This school takes a different approach to their marking policy showing that it’s always important to make your policy work for your school and setting. Burford has a seamless policy from EYFS/KS1 all the way to upper KS2 with a focus on setting expectations using visual codes. These are well known by both pupils and staff so that even if a change of teaching occurs their policy is still adhered to.
Have a look at their policy here.
If you have any of your own ideas to share, please do add them in the groups.
Popular topics this week (Thanks to our group members!)
From The Key - Reading action plans
From The Key - Reporting to governors on teaching and learning
As ever, please leave any thoughts in the comments below and have a great week.
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