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Observations vs. learning walks: updates from our Facebook Groups

Sep 24th 2018
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Hot topic this week: Observations vs. learning walks

As we get deeper into the new school year, we’re starting to look at monitoring cycles - everything from books scrutinies to performance management. Everyone’s looking for the best way to get a true picture of the quality of teaching monitor in our schools and provide the support staff need.

Many members have heaped praise on learning walks over formal lesson observations. Leaders get a true, in-the-moment snapshot of what’s happening in classrooms. They can see and feel so much more - including having a flick through the books to see how much feedback and marking has taken place. 

At the same time, teachers appreciate the supportive environment.

What do you think? Join our groups and have your say.

Need help with deciding between which approach to go for in this cycle? Go to the learning walks and lesson observation section of The Key for School Leaders.

Also popular this week:

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) - guidance and suggestions:

Members have been looking at their CPD and on our MAT Leaders group many members have been talking about their upcoming assessment of NPQEL. Are you taking yours? Do you have any words of wisdom to offer?

As ever, please leave any thoughts in the comments below and have a great week!

Join the conversation on our Facebook groups using the links below:

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