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Ofsted inspections … do not panic!

Nov 9th 2015
Guest Post
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Mercia Perin is currently a student at Saint Gabriel’s College. Mercia has a passion for helping others grow successfully. As a leading lady and a corporal in the army cadets, she values discipline, integrity and self-reflection. She completed a week's work experience with The Key this summer. 

‘Ofsted isn’t interested in attainment. We are interested in progress,’ said a speaker with experience of school inspection at The Key's conference on school inspection this summer.

Ofsted wants you to do well - don't assume that they will pick on you. Leadership teams and staff are always worried about inspections which is understandable but unnecessary. I recently attended a conference delivered by The Key and I feel very positive about Ofsted visiting my school.

I am only fifteen years old and I have got a question for you … Are you happy with the outcomes of your school?

If so, please continue to grow as a school and work effectively.

If not, I encourage you to create a self-assessment because it will help you to see your weaknesses and strengths. The school’s self–assessment sheet should have contributions from various people (students, teachers and parents). This is because it will give you the opportunity to know other people’s opinions.

Personally, I believe that constructive criticism is necessary whenever something needs to be changed.

Furthermore, being in a school is like preparing a dinner- add some discipline and ensure that students follow the regulations correctly. Add extra responsibility so students will grow into mature adults. Mix it with some extra curriculum activities and allow them to be themselves. It’s time to put it in the oven… Yes, time to put it into practise during lessons. Nearly there, now it is time to serve the dinner. Whenever visitors come in, they will be exposed to this amazing dinner- or rather: these amazing students. Visitors will be impressed with the school, so they will pass the message onto others. As a result you will have a good reputation, which is excellent! However, do not stop there. Continue to update your school’s self-assessment regularly so you can have positive results.

Headteachers: your job is incredibly challenging! You NEED to maintain a balance between work and family life. In order for you to be tremendously successful you will need to put this into practice.

Step one: Find a place where you can relax

Step two: Simply relax

Step three: Allow all the tension to leave you

Step four: Think of how the ideal school would look

Step five: Allow new ideas to invade your peace

Step six: Consider all of the ideas

Step seven: Make them reality because nothing is impossible

TOP TIP: Attend events where experts will share their knowledge with you.

Ofsted will love to see progress happening in your school constantly - do not be intimidated by it.

Need help with your self evaluation form? Members of The Key for School leaders may find our templates and advice helpful, while members of The Key for School Governors may like to read about monitoring the self-evaluation process.

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