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Question of the week: RAISEonline and the removal of levels

Jan 28th 2015
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What will primary RAISEonline reports include after levels?

Over the past year our researchers have answered many questions on the removal of national curriculum levels of assessment. In response to this query we explain that they aren’t the only things being replaced.

Back in July 2013 Lord Nash announced that the DfE is developing a new system to replace RAISEonline. However, what this system will look like remains a mystery as the development has been delayed in light of government-wide IT changes.

It seems that school leaders and civil servants alike are dealing with the fallout of the removal of levels. The DfE is yet to confirm what performance measures will be used in 2015.

Tim Oates will speak about why national curriculum levels were removed, and how schools can develop their own assessment systems at The Key’s ‘Life after Levels’ conference on 4 March 2015. Click here for more details.

Members of our school leader service can read our full response here.

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