We know that inspection is never far from the minds of many school leaders. We recently found that our most popular article among headteachers using our website after midnight was on lesson observations based on the Ofsted inspection framework.
Night and day, The Key for School Leaders has articles to help our members get to grips with inspection and the Ofsted framework. Below are the ten articles on this topic most viewed on our website during September.
- What changes to inspection came into force in 2014? (includes a KeyPoints presentation which can be used when informing staff of the changes)
- Is there a checklist to help us prepare for inspection? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)
- Do you have a learning walk proforma based on the Ofsted framework? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)
- How can the senior leaders prepare for our next Ofsted inspection?
- Do you have a SEF based on the Ofsted framework? (includes two downloadable KeyDocs)
- Which documents will inspectors ask for during an inspection?
- Is there a checklist for observing lessons in line with the Ofsted framework? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)
- What statutory documents does Ofsted expect to see on a school’s website?
- Is it true we no longer need a SEF?
- Do you have examples of strategic plans based on the Ofsted framework?