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The biggest questions of last term

Apr 18th 2016
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Over the Easter break we crunched the numbers on which of The Key's resources were accessed the most by school leaders and governors over the spring term. Here are the top ten articles on each service for January, February and March:

School Leaders

Statutory policies and documents (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)

School funding for 2016 to 2017: what will change?

Conducting a work scrutiny: guidance and templates

(includes 2 downloadable KeyDocs and our associate education experts' top tips)

Lesson observation form based on the Ofsted framework (includes a downloadable KeyDoc and a short video)

Pupil questionnaires: the quality of teaching and learning (includes 5 downloadable KeyDocs)

Moderation of teacher assessment: proformas and guidance (includes 3 downloadable KeyDocs)

Key Stage 1 and 2 teacher assessments in 2016 (includes a teaching school case study)

Key Stage 2 SATs in 2016 (includes a short video)

Sample self-evaluation form (SEF): primary (includes 4 downloadable KeyDocs)

SEN provision: annual planning (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)

School Governors

Questions from Ofsted for governors (includes a downloadable KeyDoc and 2 short videos)

School governors' year planner (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)

Need-to-know alert: new regulations on governor DBS checks and federation governance

Preparing for meetings in the spring term 2016 (now updated for the summer term)

KeyDoc: preparing for Ofsted checklist (includes a downloadable KeyDoc and a short video)

20 key questions for governing bodies (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)

Funds and freebies: termly highlights

The Prevent duty: governors' role (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)

Need-to-know alert: DfE releases new financial efficiency metric tool for schools

Headteacher’s report to governors: guidance and examples (includes 2 downloadable KeyDocs)

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