What a difference a term makes. In September we looked back over the 2013/14 academic year, and saw that the list of most-viewed articles on our school leader website was dominated by questions related to Ofsted. But a few months on, we can look back at the whole of 2014 and see a much-changed landscape. Alongside answers to questions on inspection and curriculum, articles on the reforms to SEN provision have been very popular. Our most-viewed article, summarising the 2014 SEND code of practice, was viewed half as many times again as the article in second place.
We've also been looking at popular search terms. The Wordle below shows the most common search terms over the year. Terms coloured blue rose in popularity in 2014 from 2013.
Below is the full list of the ten most-viewed articles of last year, and the questions that prompted them:
- Do you have a summary of the SEND Code of Practice (2014)? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)
- What are the differences between the pre- and post-2014 National Curriculum? (includes four downloadable KeyDocs)
- Assessment without levels: what does it mean for schools?
- What statutory documents must schools have in place? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)
- Is there a checklist for observing lessons in line with the Ofsted framework? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc)
- Are there examples of curriculum maps for the primary curriculum?
- What changes to inspection came into force in 2014? (includes a downloadable KeyDoc and a KeyPoints presentation)
- Are there any SEN policies that comply with the 2014 Code of Practice?
- How should mainstream schools approach the new SEND Code of Practice?
- Are there any examples of a local offer form for schools to complete?
Members of The Key for School Leaders can log in to see each article in full, as well as asking us their own questions. If you’re a school leader who hasn’t used The Key before, you can register for a free trial here.