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School leaders' 100 top searches in 100 seconds

Mar 3rd 2016
A blog post image

A 100-second video insight into the 100 most common search terms used on The Key for School Leaders during the spring term so far.

The full list of the 100 most common search terms used by school leaders is below the image. You can click on any of the terms to see The Key's available articles on the subject (log-in required).

  1. sen/send
  2. sef
  3. interview questions
  4. assessment policy
  5. british values
  6. attendance
  7. prevent
  8. accessibility plan
  9. ofsted
  10. smsc
  11. policies
  12. single central record
  13. work scrutiny
  14. governors
  15. statutory policies
  16. safeguarding
  17. teaching and learning policy
  18. eyfs
  19. assessment
  20. senco
  21. website
  22. book scrutiny
  23. lesson observation
  24. assessment without levels
  25. data protection policy
  26. behaviour policy
  27. guided reading
  28. performance management
  29. pupil progress meetings
  30. learning walks
  31. learning walk
  32. staff code of conduct
  33. homework
  34. attendance policy
  35. safeguarding policy
  36. eyfs policy
  37. risk assessment
  38. complaints policy
  39. key
  40. sen policy
  41. moderation
  42. progress 8
  43. pshe
  44. gifted and talented
  45. home school agreement
  46. school website
  47. mastery
  48. headteacher interview questions
  49. data protection
  50. school development plan
  51. exclusion
  52. maths policy
  53. equality policy
  54. staff wellbeing
  55. case studies
  56. school improvement plan
  57. prevent policy
  58. marking
  59. code of conduct
  60. sfvs
  61. staff handbook
  62. pupil questionnaire
  63. health and safety policy
  64. marking policy
  65. pupil premium policy
  66. ofsted questions
  67. eal
  68. english policy
  69. pshe policy
  70. science policy
  71. safer recruitment
  72. homework policy
  73. accessibility policy
  74. send policy
  75. freedom of information policy
  76. planning scrutiny
  77. cpd
  78. capability
  79. academy
  80. subject leaders
  81. complaints
  82. freedom of information
  83. website requirements
  84. senco interview questions
  85. curriculum policy
  86. sre policy
  87. academies
  88. first aid
  89. anti bullying policy
  90. health
  91. pupil questionnaires
  92. recruitment
  93. interview questions for a
  94. single central register
  95. lettings policy
  96. assessment policies
  97. prevent duty
  98. hlta
  99. dbs
  100. senco job description

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