[caption id="attachment_1126" align="aligncenter" width="500"] This wordle shows the most common search terms on The Key for School Leaders since September 2013 related to governors[/caption]
We saw earlier this term that members or our school leader service are now viewing more articles on working with governors.
We’ve recently looked at the search terms they use when searching for information on governors. The wordle shows the 25 most common terms over this academic year. Two sets of search terms were well out in front – reporting back to governors, and governors and Ofsted.
Members of The Key for School Leaders can view all our articles on working with governors here. If you are a school leader who hasn’t used the service before, you can register for a free trial. This means you can read any five articles, including those with case studies, sample documents and templates to download. We don’t ask for any payment details and the free trial is entirely without obligation.