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Top ten articles: clerks to the governing body

May 2nd 2014
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April was a busy months for clerks, with many governing bodies either holding their final meeting of the spring term or their first meeting of the new term. By looking at their usage of our school governor site, we can get an insight into their priorities last month.Below are the ten articles viewed most by clerks during April.

Members of The Key for School Governors can log in to see each article in full and ask their own questions.

  1. Using a bursar as the clerk to governors
  2. Governors' year planner
  3. Duties of the clerk to the governing body
  4. Schedule of monitoring for governors
  5. Self-evaluation against the Ofsted framework: guidance and proforma
  6. Clerk to governors: hours (maintained)
  7. Changing the culture of the governing body
  8. Developing an annual work plan for the governing body
  9. Skills audits for governors
  10. Statutory policies and documents

Its interesting to note that as well as articles that contain specific information and guidance on clerking, clerks were also looking at much broader topics such as making sure that governors have the necessary skills and setting the right culture for the governing body.

This shows the important role that a clerk can play in enhancing the effectiveness of the governing body.

Interestingly, on our school leader service, our members have previously asked us about appointing the school business manager as the clerk to governors.

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