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What did the Queen's Speech say about education?

May 18th 2016
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If you were eagerly awaiting the Queen's Speech and hoping for more detail on the government's commitment to every school becoming an academy, then you might be disappointed. You might also be relieved to know that, for education at least, neither were there any last-minute surprises.

In fact, there was just 16 seconds on education and the Queen didn't actually say "academies". We can, however, expect a bill "to lay the foundations for educational excellence in all schools" so that "every child is given the best start in life". For the government, this still means a system where all schools are academies. The detailed summary adds that this bill will make fundamental reforms to alternative provision for excluded pupils and technical education will be overhauled.

The National funding formula cropped up, and the speech reiterated the government's aim to create a "fairer balance between schools". Whether you welcome this commitment to financial reform is likely to depend on where in the country your school is located.

We'll be listening to MPs debate the Queen's Speech from 2:30pm today and will let you know if any more information is announced. In the meantime, get up-to-speed on the academisation agenda so far here. Members of our service for school leaders can read more about the proposed national funding formula here and can read-up on responses to the speech here.

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