[caption id="attachment_789" align="alignleft" width="160"] Cupcakes at The Key[/caption]
Easter was a particularly busy time for us this year as The Key became an independent organisation. Our marketing and editorial teams updated our websites, and our support managers enjoyed talking to lots of members about the changes. We also celebrated the successful transition in the traditional Key way – with lots of cake.
For our researchers, the school holidays provide opportunities to review articles and plan for the following term. Over the last couple of weeks the team has been making sure all our articles stay up to date as information on the Department for Education website moves to GOV.UK. We’ve also been getting to grips with the government's new safeguarding guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education. Members of our services can read our summary of the guidance for school leaders, and find out what governors need to know about safeguarding.
We’ve also been out and about. Our chief executive, Fergal, met Chris Wormald, Permanent Secretary at the DfE, to discuss the government’s strategy for “professionalising” school governance . I attended the researchED Midlands conference, and was interested to hear suggestions from the Education Endowment Foundation on the next steps for an evidence-informed teaching profession.
Finally, we've been looking at our data to see which types of schools are most concerned with seeking out information on the pupil premium. You can read about our findings and the possible reasons behind the trends in 'Who's interested in the pupil premium?', written for SecEd by our researcher, Kate.