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New Year's resolutions for governors and clerks

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At New Year, governors often make resolutions to spend more time on governance, be more efficient or visit the school more often. However, these good intentions can quickly slip down our list of competing priorities.

Here at The Key, those of us who are governors are making the following resolutions. We’ve also picked out some articles from our governor service to help us stick to them.

Members of The Key for School Governors can log in to see these articles in full. If you’re a governor or clerk who hasn’t used The Key before, you can register for a free trial here.

Resolutions for the whole governing body

We will regularly review our performance as a governing body and work better as a team.

We will prepare for meetings ahead of time.

We will develop and improve our relationship with parents.

We will keep up to date with educational news and developments.

We will make sure our website meets the statutory requirements and our policies are reviewed regularly and thoroughly.

We also suggested some resolutions for the chair of governors and the clerk to governors.

Resolutions for the chair of governors

I will help to improve the effectiveness of governing body meetings and make sure they are under three hours long.

I will ensure that there is a proper appraisal process and professional development for the clerk.

I will encourage newer governors to contribute to meetings more.

Resolutions for the clerk

I will keep up to date with the relevant governance legislation.

I will record instances of support and challenge in the minutes.

I will follow the legal requirement and make sure governors receive notice of meetings at least seven clear days in advance, including the agenda and any papers.

What are your governance resolutions? Leave us a comment to let us know.

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