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Children’s mental health week - updates from the Facebook groups

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I have come across many fantastic ways to promote good mental health in schools - from worry boxes to frank and open discussions about difficult subjects. But perhaps the most important focus should now be placed on teachers noticing the subtle signs that might suggest that our children are suffering emotionally.


Statistics show that the sooner we can offer support with mental health, the greater the long term benefits to pupils. We all know that our role as school leaders and teachers isn’t that of cousellors or psychiatrists, but pupils rely on us to notice when they’re struggling, so that we can point them to the best possible support.

Having an open ethos around mental health in your school will encourage pupils to be open and honest about their feelings. Conducting regular discussions about emotions linked to difficult subjects, such as bullying or grief, is one way to encourage this value within your school. Addressing difficult topics that appear in the news and allowing pupils to talk about how this makes them feel will enable them to reflect on their emotions and support them in their analysis of them.


What do you think? Are there any strategies to promote wellbeing that you have found effective and would like to share? You can do so by posting a comment below or sharing your experiences in one of our groups.

Popular topics this week (Thanks to our group members!)


As ever, please leave any thoughts in the comments below and have a great week.

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